A Framework to Select a Software Development Methodology and Practices


Bernard Farkas, H. Roland Weistroffer (Virginia Commonwealth University)


13th Annual Symposium on Research in Systems Analysis & Design, Saint Louis, Missouri




The choice of systems development methodology and the appropriate processes and techniques is important to the success of any systems development effort. However, there are very few frameworks proposed in the academic literature to help in selecting a suitable systems development approach. This paper defines three categories of systems development methodologies: waterfall, iterative, and agile and the processes associated with each of these categories are described. A methodology and technique selection framework is proposed that enables the customization of a specific development approach to fit the characteristics of the specific analysis, design, and development project.

Information Security and Organizational Innovation: exploring the power stasis


Bernard Farkas, Gurpreet Dhillon (Virginia Commonwealth University)


The Annual Security Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada




Research presented in this paper argues that a clear understanding of the power stasis is essential for ensuring information security during organizational innovation. We use Clegg’s Circuits of Power framework to evaluate the integrity of various power dimensions at Kaiser Permanente. Our analysis of the case suggests that 1) an inability to ensure integrity amongst circuits of power results in potential security problems 2) inadequate definition of obligatory passage points in a given context is the root cause for an ill-defined security policy. Our analysis also reveals the importance understanding power relationships in evaluating information security concerns during organizational innovations.

Some Information Systems Research Trends over the Past Decade


Bernard Farkas, H. Roland Weistroffer (Virginia Commonwealth University)


10th Annual Symposium on Research in Systems Analysis & Design, Bloomington, Indiana




In order to gain an understanding of the recent evolution and the current state of information systems (IS) development research, three sub-topic areas within IS development, were examined: IS development methodology, IS architecture, and IS design and modeling. Relevant papers were selected from the Association for Information Systems (AIS) "basket of eight" journals. Using these articles, an empirical method based on author keywords was used to identify categorical research trends in each of the three areas. Research trends observed in each of the categories over the past decade are discussed.